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wishing tree representing activation integration and acceleration on the ascension path
Transcension Canvas Art on the human ascension process
Transcension Canvas Art on the human ascension process
what is ascension
Physical Body Ascension and Soul Embodiment
the ascension path
the ascension path
the ascension and descension process
what is ascension



A permanent pilgrim understands that the spiritual and the physical journey are one and the same.

So the question - what is spiritual ascension?

can be simplified to - 

What is ascension?


As far as we are aware, for the first time in the history of the universe, a third dimensional planet, our Earth, together with all its inhabitants, is being ‘adjusted’ and stepped up in gradual frequency from third dimension through fourth dimension and into fifth dimension and beyond.



ASCENSION is also just a word and comes loaded with projections and assumed shared meaning. What is clear is that the term 'ascension' applies both to this huge jump for humanity - which is already well underway - and to even those small steps taken - as we MOVE TOWARDS embodying our true selves.


We are being invited to make the conscious choice to engage in this super-charged evolutionary process during this extraordinary and unprecedented era. This time is one of enormous potential and dramatic change, quite often driven by perceived crisis, individually, socially and as a planet. 


We have the choice to engage in evolution in ways that are very personal to ourselves. 

The steps on the path are similar. Your experience will be unique.


As Gaia accelerates on her trajectory to becoming a spiritual solar sun, she  is parenting humanity through the challenging transformation required to exist in these new realms. There are already many 5D planets and beings elsewhere in the galaxy but they have not been raised from a lower frequency first.


The greatest show in the galaxy is here on our planet.

our multi dimensional planet and planetary ascension
prayer and knowing



The fifth dimension is a state of awareness, a vibrational plane, an embodied reality, that transcends the limits of the physical and reaches into higher realms of existence. It is a flowing energetic world of instant possibility, limitless creation, inner and outer harmony, and deep connection that is central to a coming golden age.


A brand new operating system is now anchored in on our planet. 


In order to support these higher frequencies and operate from this higher understanding, each individual will be invited to embark on a process of gradually integrating their spiritual lightbody into their physical form. This is the merge between one’s higher divine self and the lower self. This is the profound journey to embodiment of one’s own unique eternal essence as solo sovereign self.


The divine self must descend and the lower self must ascend during this merging.

So ASCENSION can perhaps more accurately be described as an ASCENSION AND DESCENSION PROCESS.


This big jump in evolution, this merge between the higher and lower selves while in human form, is invisible to the human eye.

The shift requires untying the knots in one's own consciousness through direct lived experience. 

There are no shortcuts. 


Since 2012, the first wave have been piloting this transformation ahead of the collective. The transitioning of these pioneers has been necessary for many reasons. To build bridges, to develop highest path services that light a torch to show the way, to avoid overwhelm and confusion, even panic, as the next waves begin their own exacting processes of lightbody integration. Along the way, each has been required to clear all distortions, disentangle from lower denser realities, and embrace all aspects of their essential natures - their organic ascension blueprints. 

resting in the heart
image asking what is ascension

Planetary Ascension - A Change in Frequency


ASCENSION is absolutely not about leaving the planet, getting rescued by extra-terrestrials or flying up into heaven. It is not about watching this great Shift in consciousness unfold online, or waiting for the external world to provide evidence of your inner change. This is about stepping up. Stepping up being and stepping up doing...


Individual spiritual awakenings continue gathering pace and building momentum. People are 'popping' all over the planet at this time and often find themselves subject to great internal changes and a desire to discover and align with their own unique visions, their own unique roles in the collective. Because so many aspects of living in today's society mean that it can be extremely difficult to create the conditions to allow this shift to occur, many of us are choosing to step out of our accustomed contexts, even temporarily, in order to make space for the process. Every aspect, level and layer of a person's being will undergo acute transformation - the physical, emotional, mental, egoic, and spiritual structures needing to evolve in order to meet the demands of a higher level of consciousness and awareness, an upgraded point of perception, and a path in life that is increasingly fulfilling, encompassing all that each individual is. 


The Resurrection of the Planet - The Resurrection of the Self


The ascending frequencies are causing people to encounter profound internal change. We each move up through levels of awareness and integrate wisdom, knowing and connection to higher divine aspects of the SELF which have been dormant for thousands of years. We have always been multi-dimensional but these aspects remained inaccessible to us. Yes, many external changes are due - political, social, financial, spiritual, solar and planetary - but this resurrection of the planet starts with the resurrection of each self as we begin to resonate with new ways of being, doing and having. Yes, the whole operating system of the planet has changed, and we must move towards choosing ways that better fit this new system.


Planetary Ascension can be approached as a change in frequency. Dimensions, or levels of consciousness, are based on vibration. Each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the reality or experience within that dimension. Anything living on a planet must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet (or higher) or it cannot exist in that reality. As the frequency of the Earth changes, everything on her surface is affected by this increase in frequency.

wishing tree representing the human ascension process




for activation, integration and acceleration on the ascension path


Integration is absolutely vital to achieving a permanent state of higher consciousness. And along the pathway of one's own personal ascension process, each of us will have to do a lot of heavy lifting. We must clear and retrain the lower emotional, egoic and mental constructs which block higher states of consciousness, as well as clear the physical body of low vibrational foods and substances. Many of the issues that we will find most challenging will be those that have been re-occurring in our other lifetimes. This is not designed to be comfortable.


This clearing frees the True Self to do what it came here to do - embody a unique expression of the divine.


There can be rather a lot of heavy lifting involved in that process and the work that is done will be unique to each individual who chooses to engage with it. Ultimately the challenges that one has always faced will be the most important ones to meet. These challenges can be viewed as invitations to switch on. 


Many of us are now ready to begin this physical transformation process, to take on the task of self-empowerment, and to move towards embodying our more expansive human state, and, in turn, accessing life streams that more fully encompass who and what we really are.

as above so below
heart fire and the ascension and descension process





This time of evolutionary upgrades, this big jump, this massive shift in consciousness has been talked about for thousands of years in ancient cultures and in spiritual circles. For decades prior to 2012, waves of unique cosmic energy had been surging through our galaxy for decades, leading up to a period of amplification. This growth in intensity is absolutely palpable. This is something being felt by so many people but this is also something that can be difficult to express or discuss without leaving oneself open to ridicule.


One simply has to remember that all radically new thinking in our history has at some stage been met with ridicule. Once it has been accepted, or proved, it very quickly becomes somewhat dogmatic, and so the process starts all over again. Who'd be a pioneer?!!!


Understanding and knowing about what is happening is being gained through each individual's direct lived experience. Yes, there is a growing  wealth of information out there for people to draw on. But to step out of limiting 'beliefs', people must find out for themselves who and what they really are.


We are living through the beginning of a new paradigm, we are adapting to and being adapted to a new operating system, and big change is typically rough. The shift is a dramatic change in the parameters by which we experience reality. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and dimensional changes which are occurring here have never been experienced before. 

spiritual art on the subject of what is spiritual ascension
walking in the light as we answer what is spiritual ascension

How do I ascend?

Isn't this just going to happen regardless of what I do?


The concept of dimensions is explored on other pages of this website ( but let's have a brief look at it here. There is a lot of information out there about dimensions and assumption and projection further complicates things.


Put simply, each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the structure for experiencing a certain kind of reality.


Third dimensional reality is the lowest density (frequency) which a human expression of consciousness may experience.  3D is often described as a state of mind also called physical awareness. Those who live in this dualistic state may eschew spiritual beliefs or find themselves stuck in religious dogma. There are many side effects of the old 3D reality, including the inability to perceive higher dimensions, and spiritual amnesia where the memory of past lives, experiences in other dimensions, and connection to the rest of the universe is forgotten.


All of that is changing during the Shift. The number of people 'popping' is increasing all the time and the awakening phenomenon is truly widespread. People are accessing the many different modalities out there to wake up from the amnesia of 3D and reconnect with higher dimensional consciousness. This gift can be experienced by each and every one of us, by our lives lived. We have to engage.


 To experience life on a planet a being must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet. This is necessary in order to exist within the parameters of that reality. What is happening is that the Earth's frequency has been increasing, and will continue to rise. This means that everything in, on and around her surface is affected. And higher frequency always overpowers the lower vibrations. These changes in dimensional structure have been very apparent to the awakened for some time now, and since 2012 the upgrades have been truly momentous for those in the first wave. As we understand it, the process of transformation is now more accessible to the collective than ever before. It's anchored in, there are pure conduits in position across the globe, and the heavy work of piercing the bubble of collective consciousness has been done.


Now, with the parameters for that tired old 3D reality dissolving, the planet is increasingly supporting the experience of higher dimensions. The first steps taken most usually involve developing and maintaining a 4D perspective - which can be explained as continuing to live in the physical world while becoming aware of the spiritual and emotional dimensions beyond it. When thoughts, emotions, and actions are more in harmony with the higher self  and the universe, one begins to attract and manifest one's wishes in alignment with higher purposes through this 4D consciousness.


Entering the 5D realm


As one enters the realm of 5D, a heightened awareness is experienced, where one feels deep connection to everything and deep compassion for all beings. One begins to operate from a higher perspective filled with love. The material world no longer has much impact on the inner world, one's point of perception levels up, relationships shift, and focus moves to helping to uplift the planet and others as one moves towards fulfilling one's missions. But to truly and continuously live a 5D life, one simply must go through the lightbody transformation process. This is how the state-change occurs. It starts with some kind of spiritual awakening, intensifies with the awakening of kundalini, and then the lightbody begins to integrate once the necessary groundwork has been done. 


The reason that this is not so much spoken about is that the majority of people at this time just don't know. This process is both metaphysical and biochemical. It's both very real and highly conceptual. It's both difficult to imagine how it might feel and exceptionally palpable to those going through it. It's unstoppable once it has started. It's a super tough training program which requires the resolution of all that is not in alignment with true self, all distortion and dissonance, all that is not love. But is it unavoidable? We're not sure about that, but what is clear is that Gaia wishes to take as many of us as possible with her through this shift - this true apocalypse.




Along the way, we find out that awakening is just the beginning, that we are in fact always just approaching the starting line. Although the rewards

and upgrades are wonderful, the truth is that at times this process will kick the shit out of you. After all, that is what is required. In so many ways the lightbody is the missing part of the human - the energy body, the layer, that makes everything else make sense. Indeed, a great deal of accepted thought on integrated spirituality will have to be reviewed in the coming years as a result of this radical shift as we learn about star soul family, about contact with other dimensional beings, about becoming a pure conduit for source, about the radical state-change that is required to exist on a 5D planet, about exactly what is involved in the merge between selves and in embodiment.

forest path as a way to find out how do i ascend
the ascension and entering the 5d realm

The human ascension process


Humans are unique. Each of us has DNA that holds the codes necessary for us to develop into embodiments of creator consciousness.

We are HUmans. God-man. Homo Universalis. Each of us is responsible for waking up and remembering one's true nature as a kind of divine being. Then to begin moving towards holding a higher vibrational state - unique to each individual - by engaging with the ascension process as the higher self merges with the lower dimensional self after a very long separation in the 3D experience. The process of gradual transformation to lightbody requires the development of a more crystalline-based cellular structure, the activation of dormant DNA, the expansion of consciousness beyond the boundaries of habitual 3D and dream-state existence. This is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually challenging. We are all here to play out the shift in our own way. We know that awakening is not compulsory. We know that many have chosen not to awaken at this time for a wide variety of reasons. And we know that free will is a crucial component of our experience.


Planetary Ascension Shift Effects


We are not vermin on the surface of the planet. Yes, the global warming we are experiencing is due to so many unsustainable practices, but severe weather and climate change are also part and parcel of the magnetic shifts and reduction of the magnetosphere, and the effect of the collapse of the astral planes of consciousness as we go through the shift. there is less protection between us and the sun - and that is absolutely fine. Things are more than what they seem...


This window of evolution coincides with many galactic alignments, some of which only occur in million and billion year cycles. Galactic cycles are very long, and the roles of this patient, conscious planet and its inhabitants in this process is of fundamental importance. One could think of it as a bit like being the weakest link – other games cannot be played until this density is upgraded. One could, perhaps more positively, conceive of it as the Earth being a seeding planet of free will.


Earth is constantly balancing magnetics as 3D dissolves from the collective reality. The amount of awakened consciousness on the planet is high enough to ensure that any kind of doom timeline is not possible. But we must also remember that Gaia is heavily influenced by the collective consciousness. The connection of millions to our planet each day has been assisting during this time of transition. The momentum has been building in a palpable way.

the ascension and descension process
representation of planetary ascension




The entire planet and all of her inhabitants are experiencing the shift, regardless of their awareness of it. While we are all walking our path, there is a choice to do it consciously or unconsciously. The challenges we face in our everyday lives, challenges we are constantly aware of and which are unique to our personalities, are also steps we can climb in our spiritual development. Ascension is a conscious process which requires a choice to engage with the unknown, in order to experience the brand new. It is a remarkable, challenging and rewarding process which frees the self from perceived limitations. The platform for 5D is already in place. Many are choosing to fully embody a 5D consciousness of unconditional radiant love right here in this reality. This choice is both an act of service to raise the collective vibration into peace, harmony and compassion, and a way of fully aligning with visions and passions and bliss. Far from being in any way puritanical, spiritual ascension actually opens up to us the opportunity to live exceptionally fulfilling and joyful lives, to embody our radical solo sovereign selves.



The dimensional split between a 3D/4D version of Earth and an ascending 5D version is well underway. Our planet ascended to 5D on December 12, 2012. So a platform for experiencing the return to the true human genome is already provided.


HUmanity is now able to merge with their 5D and above aspects and to live without veils.

HUmanity is now able to assist in bringing Heaven (5D+) and Earth together - to merge these realities.

Lower vibrational systems, programs, entities and belief systems dissolve in the new light – sometimes with ease, sometimes with resistance - and eventually, the lower 4D expression of Earth will drop out of existence. 

The exact timescale for these transformations is unknown and we don't need to know.


We get to access the eternal sacred within - we get to feel divine love through creating radiant heart coherence.

We get to experience true liberation as our old perceptions fall away.

We get to walk in all realms as a conduit of divine will and truth.

And we get to transcend density through our organic ascension in the physical.


There are many who are choosing to

move towards

Everyone, of course, as the collective and individually, is playing an important role in this transformation. 



We trust your journey you will begin...


zero point

Key Skills Development on the Ascension Path



For help with key skills development on the ascension path, have a look at my overview of what I call - New Earth Eternity Training, which is here:





Ascension Guide: Sandra Walter (

I admire her clarity, her precision, her use of language and her conscientiousness.




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