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What to Expect on the Ascension Path - Skills Required and Aspects Encountered

What to Expect on the Ascension Path - Skills Required and Aspects Encountered

We are truly privileged to be living through the most powerfully transformative times in human history. And what is occurring on our planet really is the greatest show in the universe right now as Gaia and her inhabitants are gradually adjusted and stepped up in frequency. Thank you for being here and thank you for playing your role in this profoundly beautiful and challenging process.

The first wave pioneers are now around twelve years into their own unique ascension timelines and many more continue to step forward and ready themselves to accept the acceleration of their ascension trajectories. The intensity has been building as we are presented with the opportunity to engage in conscious evolution and refine the frequency both of ourselves and of our lives lived. WE ARE BEING INVITED TO CONNECT WITH HIGHER ASPECTS OF SELF and MOVE TOWARDS HARMONIZING OUR INNER AND OUTER WORLDS.

Since 2012, the first wave have been piloting this transformation ahead of the collective. The transitioning of these individuals has been necessary for many reasons. To build bridges, to develop highest path services that light a torch to show the way, and to help avoid confusion in the collective, even panic, as the next waves begin their own exacting processes of lightbody integration.

You may feel overwhelmed by what is happening, you may feel resistance to so many changes. But, please be aware that there is a great deal of information, creative expression, support and guidance available to those who are feeling this invitation to harmonize, embody and create the true self. Many bridges have been built...Many bridges are being built...

We must untie the knots in our own consciousness through direct lived experience. We must balance the extraordinary shifts in how we understand our selves, our reality, our states of being and our potentials, with making the grounded, nuts and bolts alterations to our daily lives. We are being asked to make changes to our habits, routines, priorities, perspectives, emotions, thoughts, and actions. And many of these changes may not come so naturally to us. Fundamentally, our focus needs to be on that which truly nourishes. This journey to living our own truth will involve embodying our radical self, living free of the opinions of others, and learning to hold our own, regardless of what is happening in the external. One must move up through levels of awareness, and one must truly own one's talents, capabilities and individuality. WE EXPERIENCE THE DIVINITY WITHIN AND ALLOW IT TO TRANSFORM OUR LIVES FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Refining one's frequency towards PERSONAL HARMONY then calls forth what each of us needs. Even small steps taken open up possibilities and pathways...

One must balance the enormity of realizing one's own eternal nature with developing the on-the-ground skills and capacities required to move towards embodying this divinity-in-training. There are so many modalities, terminologies, assumptions and projections out there in the world that many find themselves getting a little lost in it all. In fact, things are quite simple. At its core, the process of awakening to your inner spiritual self involves realizing that you are much much more than you previously believed, that you are an eternal being undertaking a journey of personal growth, at this point in human form and on planet earth. We all have the opportunity to engage with the curriculum that is continuously being laid out in front of us. This curriculum will teach us what is required to embody our eternal essence and how to bring our gifts into the world - how to have an impact both through our presence and through our expressions and creations.

What is very different about NOW is that, since December 2012, there is a NEW OPERATING SYSTEM ANCHORED IN ON THE PLANET. The ascension and descension process, the merge between higher divine infinite self and lower human finite self, is a great deal more accessible than ever before. Indeed, it is the destiny of many many people at this moment to follow their organic ascension blueprints and go through the gradual integration of the spiritual lightbody into their physical form and being. You are not alone.


Whatever your current idea of destination is, this new operating system is inviting you to allow this gradual transformation to a physically integrated lightbody as openly and calmly as possible. This truly is a SUPER-CHARGED JUMP IN EVOLUTION. We have the opportunity to explore the unseen and engage with the unknown as the merge between lower and higher self gathers pace. 

Resistance will have to be transformed into allowing. One's point of perception will have to be progressively upgraded. The challenges along the way will be highly personal to each of us, and yes, this is going to be inherently demanding. Of course, the rewards are most certainly delicious, and most likely beyond what you had previously imagined was possible.

Life on the planet is in the hot seat. Gaia has already ascended to support the embodiment of 5th dimensional (pure love) consciousness by those humans who are willing and ready to transform through their process.


New vibrational planes of existence are online and ready to be experienced...

A new you is presenting itself to be embodied...

You are light that knows itself as eternal light.

And the light just is...

"and then one day you did something

you'd never done before

you lifted up the drawbridge

and bolted shut the door

they tried to call, to interfere, give advice you did not want

but you stood your ground, and turned the dial, to your personal commandant

“now listen here”, you heard him say

“you're there to grow your being

wake-up, remember who you are

and change your way of seeing

to free yourself from density, express yourself and play

we're sculpting you most carefully, so you'll be like me some day”

and that was when you realized

that you too were a central sun

divinity in trainers

with nowhere left to run

a single cell of heaven-sent, nirvana's building block

you'd steered your course, you'd found your way, and all upon this rock"


 Crisis is an extremely powerful driver of change - an evolutionary driver. Perceived crisis on a personal level, on a social level, on a planetary level, all are fuelling the ascension process. Indeed, sometimes we really do have to get lost to find ourselves. Connecting with higher aspects of self, coming into union with your divine self, all involve very grounded upgrades to your being and your life. A new reality is waiting to come online for you and you absolutely deserve the best.

What is crystal clear is that evolution is happening fast. Many of our younger generations already have much higher potentials, capacities and perspectives that don't necessarily fit the information out there about 'awakenings' and such like. Many are searching for some kind of validation about what they know and feel to be true, looking for others who have similar skills and knowings, and for modalities, teachers, and information which can offer them a way, a forum, a platform to climb out of any projected boxes, to become the highest version of themselves, and truly shine their light.


It's time to choose to believe in yourself and now. It's time to remix what's in your world.

It may even be time to forget everything you once thought you were.

"streams of consciousness need crossing

mountains of doubt and adversity need climbing

the air of enlightenment needs breathing

the paths of truth and faith need walking"



 A permanent pilgrim understands that the spiritual and the physical journey are one and the same. One realizes that this huge jump for humanity is well underway. And one feels the calling clearer and clearer to take the necessary steps towards embodying one's unique eternal essence as solo sovereign self.


We have the choice to engage in evolution in ways that are very personal to ourselves. 


As Gaia accelerates on her trajectory to becoming a spiritual solar sun, she  is parenting humanity through the challenging transformation required to exist in her new realms. There are already many 5D planets and beings elsewhere in the galaxy but they have not been raised from a lower frequency first.


The divine self must descend and the lower self must ascend during this merging.


This big jump in evolution, this merge between the higher and lower selves while in human form, is invisible to the human eye but extremely palpable and all encompassing to the individual going through it.

There are no shortcuts. 

Along the way, each will be required to clear all distortions, to disentangle from lower denser realities, and to embrace all aspects of their essential natures - their organic ascension blueprints. 

So let's have a look here at some of the key skills which will be required and some of the key aspects which will be encountered on the ascension path...

Discovering Your Missions And Visions

Getting From A to B

“The vital criteria of personal integrity is whether you belong to your own life or not“

One vital aspect of ascension is to help you find your unique offering(s) to this world. For some this will involve the discovery of passions, for others a way of better knowing themselves, or raising the level of their confidence and understanding, allowing the consolidation and crystallization of what they already felt to be true. Many will need to overcome the sometimes paralyzing paradox of choice, or the distress that can come from the perception that opportunities have been missed. Of course, getting from A to B is pretty messy when you don't even know where B is! Your process will push you to find your place in the totality, to stand on your own two feet, to position yourself in the right context, to develop your own platform, and to express yourself creatively.

When we align ourselves with deepest heart, the magic starts to happen.

This is really all about becoming a hero of your own life, without any need for external congratulation.

But be warned, sometimes it may be felt that you require some motivation, or a push in the right direction, a push that may feel more like having the rug pulled out from under you. Discomfort is absolutely to be expected as part of your ascension process. We are being crafted as pure conduits for source - and this doesn't come so easily - that's part of its design.'s best to really look deep within keep on looking deep within yourself...and ask:

Who would You be, what would You do, if You knew You could not fail? 


The 3 capacities listed below can be viewed as the 3 keys required to awaken one's 'kundalini' and align with your ascension process proper. That is according to the Permanent Pilgrim way of self-enquiry. There are, of course, many other wonderful modalities and approaches out there.


We are all perfectly imperfect. There are many methods, modalities, techniques, and experiences by which one can come to a deep acceptance of what is and a love for what we are as individuals. Then we have the beginning of a process built on solid foundations. We don't need to have a complete understanding of everything we are in order to build these foundations. But only when we have at least the roots of love for self in place can we begin emitting a kind of radiant pure love, free of pollution, free of condition, free of demand. The universe provides a perfect reflection of where you are. So you can check in with that whenever you want to. One s imply must move towards taking responsibility. It's vital to prioritise the journey of self love and spiritual alchemy! 


Up until now, everything that has happened in your life has happened perfectly for you - and all the beings involved with you - to grow in exactly the way you’ve needed and wanted to grow. In this lifetime, and, of course, all the others! We need to accept and embrace the journey that has brought us to this point. Again, there are many ways to reach such a state of deep acceptance. And don't forget, we are absolutely always on the starting line. Below is how I approach this key in my poetry:

the clouds from view are lifted

and the second key is gifted

as you learned to all your journeys better gauge

each life you've lived was formative

their function newly normative

designed for you to truly come of age

each leading to this fulcrum point

where your true self you can anoint

you find the love for each and every stage

the sun was always shining

and the clouds your ways refining

free of concern

will teach return

and calm like purple sage

you recognise all those who stood both with you and against

they helped you do and see what you could not yourself have sensed

you normalise that guidance is not just to promised lands

walls melted - their subsidence sculpted by such honest hands

each interconnected choppy ride

has redirected you inside

the ebb and flow of tide nonstop

you are that ocean in a drop

and you in both reside“



 I often hear people say that the decisions and actions we make in our lives are motivated by either fear or love. But what kind of love? This is perhaps one of the great confusions in humanity. People assume a kind of shared meaning in regard to something that has a multitude of forms and levels. This third key - they don't have to come in a certain order - is a very particular kind of completely unconditional, pure, radiant love that is best viewed as a kind of destination on the 'new earth’. And love does not seek co-dependency. One doesn't have to suddenly be able to radiate a buddha-standard level of love and light in order to feel this key slide into place, and one will continuously refine the kind of love that one is able to emit and exist within throughout one's ascension journey. You've got to start somewhere and my experience shows me that one's 'soulmates', one's soul group, will play an important role, or more likely important roles, in this unfolding...




These are necessary KEY SKILLS for each and every one of us. They will be continually chiselled into us and refined throughout our ascension process. These are absolutely crucial capacities for any divine being to master, for any trainee to learn, as they take on more and more responsibilities for sculpting others.

Non-judgement starts by not judging oneself. We can build real compassion from here. In the higher modules of what can be thought of as an ascension training program, one must learn to not even judge the judgemental.  One also needs to build consistency of practice.

Non-duality is essential. We understand that many truths co-exist at the same time, that there are many perspectives, that everything is both real and unreal, that everything is both tremendously important and not important at all, that source is both within and without, that we are in connection rather than separation, that we as beings are undergoing experiences in multiple dimensions all at the same time, and that all is occurring for our own highest evolution. Duality is usually not something that is turned off and on like a light switch, but we can begin moving away from duality (ego) consciousness and towards soul (unity) consciousness. It is perhaps the most frustrating aspect when communicating with others who are still locked, understandably, in the many states of duality that there are. Actually, at some point in our ascension we will be required to love the training program, to love the world, to love the duality, even as we are living outside of it. So we transcend duality. Ultimately, we must move towards "embodying the transcendent" (the Dalai Lama).

Non-attachment skills enable us to become truly self-sufficient in love, and able to maintain our internal state regardless of what occurs in the external. The non-attachment training provided by your own higher self is likely to be perceived as rather 'harsh' in the early stages. It does get easier and the rewards are progressively better and better. Practices that may begin as a kind of medicine for the mind go on to become gateways to the embodiment of the most wonderful feelings and states. Indeed, we leave behind the lower emotions, we leave behind how it felt in those dark times, as we allow ourselves to be sculpted into progressively purer and purer conduits.


It's OK to make mistakes. This is how we evolve and learn through challenging ourselves without fear.


Are you fully awake, fully alive, fully free, and living your life as every aspect of who you are, with meaning, purpose and joy? Or is there further to go? Are you understanding that you are here to help humanity transition to a new form, with the mind+body+spirit complex of three becoming one...



At various stages on my own path I have thought that I understood the nature of trust, surrender, non-judgement, non-attachment, non-duality, and unconditional love, but then, as the ascension path accelerated and deepened, more and more aspects of these spiritual keys and other attributes revealed additional levels of complexity or subtlety and led me further into my personal journey. There are deeper and deeper layers of realization to drop into. A kind of continual unfolding. Yes, there are many common aspects to this process, but awakening and ascension is a profoundly personal and individual journey. It is also a very physical process. The MERGE happens here and now and through the body.

(below is an adaptation of insight gifted by new divine humanity)

We exist in a world of consciousness that exhibits structures of realities that vary to a large degree in their levels of awareness. They clash when differing levels cannot be communicated with the required understanding. One is not able to perceive beyond one's own level of awareness.

It is like living in a bubble, the parameters of which are defined by current beliefs, the state of one's subconscious, and the 'knowing' available due to one's memories, one's cellular consciousness and one's lived experience. Each level exists as a bubble that plays out as its perceived filter. Generally speaking, that which is beyond the current parameters is not discerned.

Identifying at least the notion that what and how we see things is not necessarily how they are, opens one up to the exploration and the invitation to expand towards all we do not currently perceive - the territory of the UNKNOWN. Each level has its own rules as to what takes place within it. As one graduates from one level to the next, one feels the granting of approval to greater awareness simply arrives as each state of conscious readiness. Yes, all exists now, but each being is playing out the level they are within in any given moment. And to them, nothing else exists outside of it, until realized.

We cannot scream and kick our way to the next level of awareness. On the contrary, we let go, we open more, we stay present as much as is required to advance. Onwards and upwards through the levels. We apply the understanding that there is more that we cannot yet perceive. This is the first step in opening up to what is unseen. We do our best to release the fear we carry with regard to the unseen. We do our best not to always seek shelter in the familiar. We recognize that there is an inner landscape of worlds upon worlds waiting for us. We recognize that we lived in one world and now we live in another. We pay attention to ourselves, we understand that we lived through perceptions that were limiting, we let go, we acknowledge that our heart knows more that we could ever imagine. We move towards knowing that a bigger picture is taking place, beyond our current scope of awareness. 

We embrace the unknown. We are open and courageous enough to break out of our bubble. We let go of trying to control everything. We let go of the lower emotions - fear, jealousy, anger, etc. - we let go of attachment to all beliefs and enter higher ground. We master each level as we let go and open. We begin to embrace all levels, even if we haven't yet experienced them. We realize each bubble was a tool that we ourselves set up, a tool to assist us to move towards becoming limitless, becoming truly free, becoming truly present in the flow, as children of light. We begin to access the eternal freedom of that flow, in which exists only the awareness of now. And then we realize that we are fully realized, and we laugh out loud, because we always have been.

(thank you - new divine humanity)


So, as we move up through the levels of awareness, as we drop into deeper and deeper layers of realization, as we surrender ourselves to this continual unfolding, we begin to develop an eternal perspective on the happenings in our lives, on our relationships, on our journeys, and we find that this is a great release. We are here to grow our being, and go about our work. We are here as divinity-in-training.


Some of the destructive loops we find most difficult to release on the ascension path are aspects of self that have been challenges for us over many, if not all, of our lifetimes. These are core challenges and this commonality is re-occurrence. One needs to tread carefully here, moving towards shedding the old, while understanding that shadow aspects will need to be transformed. Some crystals of density can be shattered by a perfectly placed blow. Others will require a kind of gradual erosion.


This aspect is also KEY. We move up through levels of awareness. We graduate from one level to the next. As perception increases, awareness of higher vibration, experiences of higher levels of existence, become available. There is a progressive lifting of the veils, a series of revelations. Transforming one's point of perception changes everything.


On the ascension path one encounters conditions, set up by higher self, by kundalini, by the training program, by (insert here), where one simply has to do what it takes to overcome personal challenges. Many of these challenges will be very grounded, very particular to the individual. We are invited - yes - to untie the knots in our own consciousness through direct lived experience. Much of this work will involve dealing with different types of fear. Ultimately we will be required to overcome our fear of death, something that underpins many other types of fear. 


We understand that accessing our creative selves is an absolute priority. Courses such as Julia Cameron's 'The Artist's Way' can help us with techniques, exercises and self-confidence so that we can harness our creative talents and skills. We learn that true freedom comes from structure and self-discipline. We prioritize making time to express our flow and move towards bringing into the world that which is longing to be born through us.


As we listen to our own truths and embrace living radical realities that nourish the self, we become specialists in seeing beyond dogma, both dogma in the alternative worlds, and dogma in the more traditional worlds. We learn to integrate that which resonates with us. We learn to say no whilst not simply discarding that which challenges us. We go beyond belief to knowing.


We can become leading edge creators. What we focus on becomes our reality. One will be required to develop skills in avoiding becoming distracted by other people's agendas. One will be rewarded for creating and putting out into the world our transformative and positive expressions. Spending too much time in front of a screen consuming the expressions of others is going to have a negative impact on one's process. One moves towards proper use of life force, creating rather than imitating. One is taught the importance of responsible co-creation. Growing one's divinity has a lot in common with developing an artist's mindset. We focus on what we can do, and what we can do to a high standard, however quirky, and we have our impact on the world in that way. We have the same approach when it comes to growing our being, our presence, our light - we create ourselves responsibly. And we have our impact on the world this way too.


Refining our frequency towards this personal harmony is what calls forth what we need. Distortions will need to be overridden, overwritten. We release density, we grow our light, and our light is very particular, very singular. Coming more and more into alignment with our eternal selves is a tremendous journey to take. To be in the position as an artist or a creator where your own output is providing the most inspiration to you is a true privilege. This aspect of ascension is really neat!


What does it mean to possess great humility, while also being 'successful' in your work, in your life, whatever that looks like to you? How does it feel to live a life of juicy service that fits you like a glove? Real compassion for others depends on having real compassion for yourself. Being able to operate with transparency at all times, even when we are under stress, is a great skill, a priceless quality that humanity needs from us. And on the ascension path, one will be tested on some of these capacities, especially when one is tired or not quite on song. Becoming a pure conduit for source requires training. And good training usually has some form of testing within it. That's just the way it is. You'll begin to clock when you are being tested, and you'll begin to better respond accordingly. Don't worry if it takes longer than you would have liked...


The illustration below gives a very informative description of how this key aspect of ascension works. We can be buffeted by the waves of ascension during our process, and sometimes it seems as if all the challenges are coming at once. Remember that experiencing great highs and great lows is what leads to expansion. This can be overwhelming. Yes, there will always come a LIFELINE but this process really can be scary. What you fear and wish to avoid may lead you to a place you didn't wish to go. Once again this sentence sums up what is required - "We untie the knots in our own consciousness through direct lived experience".


It is normal for a great deal of unravelling to occur as an individual is invited to let go of that which no longer serves them. Indeed, there can be various periods of unravelling necessary to shed the old and welcome the new. Densities are amplified as they are released. One may go through a period of having to let go of many aspects that one had previously closely identified with. And one may have to go through a further unravelling of this aspect of identity later on. Some parts of this process require multiple attempts to really get right.


This is important to let sink in - densities are amplified as they are released. Intensification is part and parcel of ascension and it can be extremely uncomfortable. I think this mechanism is used, in a way, to force us to release a behaviour which we are holding on to for some reason. It's a method of bringing something to our attention. It can be a way of kind of forcing our hand. For example, we may have consistently failed some unit of our 'training' and the effect of our not being able to integrate this particular learning may become progressively more acute, until it actually causes us serious problems. Then we really have to give it our attention. We really have to get it.


The range of conscious frequencies that can be perceived rapidly expand as we incorporate the sixth sense of awareness into our daily living. Additional sense channels open up as we release the lowest anchors of our existence. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance abilities are coming online for many. Enhanced, super-charged intuition. Divine sensory capacities. Just knowing exactly what to do. Many individuals have had access to one or more of these abilities without actually being on their ascension path proper (of course everyone is making progress along the road). Many use them in their service, their practice, their art, their lives. But during the lightbody integration process, these senses all come through. We must learn to integrate them in how we go about sensing and navigating the world, or rather the worlds, that we are existing in. There is much to learn and there is much to unlearn.


We may spend a lot of time alone during times of transformation. We may come to real resolution through self-inquiry. We may make great progress in refining our frequency, in harmonizing our interior worlds. But are we able to maintain that frequency? Are we able to hold that space, that feeling, out in the world, without being triggered, without being dragged down or blown off course by those around us? Learning to hold your own frequency is going to be a core aspect of your ascension training. Something that you will return to again and again.


Harmony is our natural state. You are going to be shepherded towards more and more harmony throughout your process. From this state all that we need flows to us. By moving towards harmonizing our interior world, our thoughts, emotions, our expressions, our actions, we begin to access our unique blueprint as light beings. Achieving personal harmony is the greatest gift we can give to our selves. Simple.


'Unity Consciousness' is a much misused term. This is really about balancing seemingly opposing forces within, resolving all that is not knowing itself as love, merging masculine and feminine aspects as one. We come to unity consciousness one by one. Unity. Union. Harmony. The Merge. All this occurs within.


For many of us, truth is increasingly happening in sleep or while we are in meditative state. For those going through the lightbody integration process, their 4D world is restructured to facilitate this. Dreamstate stops being symbolic and starts becoming another life we are living.

Happenings are then integrated into our physical lifestreams.

One can switch between dimensions, between states, and sometimes this happens without any warning whatsoever. There are many aspects to learn and this subject is too complex for me to cover in this overview. Assumptions, presumptions, and projections about how this will be should be left at the door.


As we know, awakening has many levels. The ground is prepared for what is termed 'kundalini awakening' to occur. At some point the process of kundalini transformation segues into gradual transformation to lightbody. There is much to learn at each stage. This process is both a great gift and a great challenge - the merge between higher and lower self. Be aware that there are a lot of different perspectives and terminologies out there. For example, there are those who consider the kundalini transformation and the lightbody transformation to be one and the same thing. And as a result of going through these profound changes, of continuing to go through these profound changes, many of us have changed our understanding of the word "enlightenment". We now understand this in a more physical, more literal way - to actually become light.


Our journey to embodying our unique eternal essence will involve us developing skills in living WILD & FREE. At times it will be necessary to step outside of society, become truly self-sufficient. We will need to accept all that we are as we connect to higher dimensional aspects of self. We become our own version of SINGULAR PARTICULAR. Solo sovereign self is strong and independent. One must stand on their own two feet and take responsibility for what one is creating, for the path that one is walking. Those on the ascension path can also become very useful in a group setting as there is a purity to their light, a lack of dependence, a clarity. There is no neediness to contaminate.


Old realities completely collapse. The physical body must integrate this. And sometimes it needs to freak out! Along the way, this process intensifies. There is a total rewrite of our consciousness. All distortions will be overridden, overwritten. Our transformation is very very physical. Palpable. Indeed, as we discover that we have always been multidimensional, we understand that it is the physical body that has a great deal of upgrading to undergo so that we can truly embody all we it's best to honour and work with the physical body as early on in your process as you can...


As the merge between higher and lower self progresses, we are required to develop capacities in balancing the needs of our divine human aspect, and our creature human aspect. This can be a difficult job. Often there will be a divergence between the desires of higher and lower self. Less and less divergence as we progress along the path. We may spend hours in bliss but we will still need to accomplish those everyday tasks. This is a big big challenge.


In the latter stages of ascension, divine neutrality becomes a requirement. It can be seen as an important engine for what comes in to our life streams. What starts as a state of consciousness, in turn effects your fields in a palpable way. It assists us with alchemy, enables us to better implement non-judgement, non-attachment, and  non-duality, and is a key to new realities in other realms. Yes - we increasingly become a pure conduit for source - and a state of divine neutrality is a big part of that. Divine alchemy can expand through divine neutrality. Onwards and upwards...

Of course there are more aspects to ascension than what this overview includes but I've got to stop somewhere. Over the coming months I will be looking at some of these ascension components in more detail on my embryonic YouTube channel: @permanentpilgrim as well as in future articles. And I'll be exploring some really juicy aspects such as how ascension can include interacting with STAR SOUL FAMILY and the lightships which are assisting in humanity's ascension. Coming soon...

you've both chosen and been chosen

it's like your life's been freshly frozen

you've been kept in loops that to you just didn't make sense

but in that system was perfection

through your radical redirection

the harnessing of the HUman can commence

you'll be homo universalis

an aurora borealis

to light up the world and grow into immense


onwards and upwards

get in touch if you need support



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