This piece is called 'Jacob's Ladder'. It was played live with my new highly portable setup in July 2022. Yamaha pss-a50 mini keyboard connected to an iPhone which is running Garageband, the (open source) Audiokit Synth One, and the Nembrini Audio Analog Rack Delay Unit plugin. I am also beginning to incorporate the amazing Animoog Z synthesizer and the Korg Module Scarbee electric piano (rhodes like sounds) into this setup, although not in this piece. Everything is light enough for a permanent pilgrim to carry in his backpack and is powered by lithium batteries/solar panel. Video is a nice little gif which shows us the real jacob's ladder. Created with love. My frequency feels a little something like this...
Hardware setup as of July 2021 (video above). Using Microkorg XL+, Arturia Keystep37, ArtProAudio Passive Mixer, Headphone Amplifier (to boost signal), Minirig & Tribit Speakers. Everything is powered by lithium batteries/solar. Jamming while living wild in Sera da Estrela, Central Portugal...liked ths one enough to post here...Jx
A very short little ode to my portable setup (since diminished in size!)...Jx
I really love this one. Performed live on a MicroKorg XL+, Arturia Keystep 37 and using multiple arpeggiators, delays and goodness knows what else. Permanent Pilgrim Punk...It's called 'SOME SORT OF DELAY'...
'Electronic Simplicity'

One of the most amazing things about the awakening and ascension process is the FULL CIRCLE effect. One is often brought back to certain things in one´s life that were important, but perhaps not brought to fruition. How wonderful it is when you gain clarity, even through disappointment, so you know where you are and can then turn the page, holistically. Music was like this in my life. I let go of DJing and being actively involved in electronic music shortly after my own awakening, and was somewhat surprised and a little nervous when it came back into my life during ascension. Now I would not have it any other way, and I´m embracing "moving towards" producing my own music, learning the piano and working with synthesizers, drum machines, samplers and resamplers. That kind of thing. On this page, I share some of my output and I intend to develop it as a resource. My performance/production name is MAGIC TORCH, and I have been involved in studio projects in Galicia and play live sessions wherever I am in the world. I am also focused on making my gear very portable and lithium battery powered so that I can take it with me on the road while I am travelling.
Learning the piano and music theory and practice has been at times overwhelming for me as I have had to deal with plenty of regret about not developing my interest more all those years ago. I´ve learnt to let go, be more in the moment, and embrace my deepest desires. Ascension will not have it any other way. 2018 was a breakthrough year when I produced some of my first creations. I started off working with a program called Ableton Live which I used through some external hardware. Most of what I did in this year was loop-based, and also using some tracks that I loved as starting points. I think this approach is very useful for leaners who wish to develop themselves whilst at the same time creating output that they can feel truly proud of. I made some stuff that I am really happy with, but now I am developing the system I use so that it is more live and original, and allows me to use gear that is more like an extension of my physical body - something like that. And I´m doing my best to make progress with my keyboard playing, sometimes playing with local musicians, and making every effort not to get lost. Things are just starting to get interesting...
You can find me online in the following locations:
This was my favourite creation of 2018.
CLISSM is a track by Jurek Przezdziecki which was remixed by Sebastian Mullaert in 2016. I´ve always loved this song, for me it is timeless, Mr Mullaert´s remix I mean, and I´ve always felt it was ripe for some adaptation. There was a lot of space in the recording. So, earlier this year (2018), I did exactly that - adapt it. This is not a remix or an edit, but an adaptation or relayering. Clissm plays in one channel of Ableton Live (DAW) for the majority of this creation, and I add loops and beats and other bits and pieces through the other 11 channels in my old hardware + software system. I think the finished product is pretty cool. The only problem is I can no longer listen to the original because it feels like something is missing. Ooops. Please enjoy!
The original version can be found here:
Here is a mix I made called BLISS - Part 1. I recorded it in my studio in Ribeira Sacra, Galicia, NW Spain in the summer of 2018.
The first track, which is also called BLISS, is my own creation. It is designed for drumming circles to drum over the top of it. Vocals by Tia Kumara of I AM AVATAR.
and yes...there are some mistakes!!
So here I am...
Part 2 & other mixes can be found here: https://www.mixcloud.com/DJMagicTorch/

music for meditation courtesy of brian eno:
we trust your journey you will begin...