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What to Expect on the Ascension Path - Skills Required and Aspects Encountered
We must untie the knots in our own consciousness through direct lived experience. We must balance the extraordinary shifts in how we underst

3D 4D and 5D - The Dimensions and Their Differences
Part 2 in this series designed to unpick the terminology around dimensions and assist in understanding the enormity of what occurring.

What is 5D Consciousness? Signs, Symptoms and Characteristics
The term "5D consciousness" has gained popularity in spiritual and metaphysical communities during the past few years.

Lusher than Lush
A poem on the nature of love in one of its highest expressions.
Written in La Caldera de Taburiente National Park - La Palma - 2019.

Direct Line To Divine Self
A poem on direct conversations with divine self. Keep it under your hat. I don't want to be carted off to the loonie bin. Not just yet...

The Creator State - Pure Love Ascension
Our ability to access the creator state has upgraded on the post-2012 New Earth. Zero Point comes for the Earth Angels. Pure love ascension.

Adapted Polaris AB message on the nature of Ascension
People are popping all over the place. Polaris AB on the nature of ascension. Adapted article.
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