Online Ascension Guidance
+ Self Discovery Adventures
with Permanent Pilgrim - aka Jamie Shaw
a few things about me and what i do
I live in a kind of permanent pilgrimage, living wild and free, operating out of a backpack (or two!), moving around the planet, and going about my service work in all its forms. Solo sovereign self...
I went through my own initial awakening in 2008, then had my full blown 'kundalini' awakening on January 2nd, 2012. Since then I have been releasing all that wasn't really me, living through the activation and gradual integration of what we are calling the light body, and merging, like it or not, with my eternal essence, my organic ascension blueprint.
Falling over is and has been a part of this process. It isn't designed to be comfortable - but we absolutely can and do fall on our feet. I apply my experience to assist others in theirs. I remain grounded and accessible to all.
Spiritually focused POETRY is my most natural form of self-expression and I am writing my first book: 'Permanent Pilgrim'. Two short stories told in verse which are, amongst other things, manuals for the ascension and descension process. I consider it one of my missions.​ Permanent Pilgrim also acts as a home for my own creative expressions. This is me. All I Am...
Through this website I write, collate, share and adapt articles/resources about ascension. ​I am passionate about working with individuals to provide guidance, insight, support, and inspiration on their path. Being in creative flow with the visions and passions we have discovered is a key part of the process with me. To create with clarity and purity and authenticity.
I am beginning to develop ALL YOU ARE (AYA) with the worldwide Rainbow Gatherings movement.
I work with my clients to help them find out for themselves who and what they truly are, and to transition to becoming the light filled spiritual/human beings they are destined to be. Along the way, we access deeper and deeper layers of realization - we untie the knots in our own consciousness through direct, lived experience - we transform our point of perception - we harmonize - we level up. Together we build the key skills which are necessary to embody this divinity-in-training - to live as one's true self.
I am driven to communicate about the sudden evolutionary leap we are being presented with the opportunity to take, both through this website and through my own creative writing. This involves nothing less than coming into UNION with your higher divine self. A little overwhelming?
You will most certainly have to stand on your own two feet.
But you don't have to do this totally alone.

a bit of background about

Up until the age of thirty two, I spent my years in a variety of different roles: as a Cambridge University social anthropologist with a special interest in evolutionary biology, as an electronic music DJ and underground music event organizer, as a project worker with unemployed young people in London, as a champion of apprenticeships, as a teacher in a number of different guises, and as a world traveller and outdoor adventurer. It was in 2008, after a difficult few years, that this life that I had built for myself began to unravel and I was hit with a personal crisis that meant I would have to detach myself completely from the reality I had constructed. I had to accept that none of these roles was adequately resonating with who and what I really was, and that, at least how I perceived it at the time, I was quite lost. Surely there must be more to life than this?
A decision was made, or rather forced upon me, to press the eject button. I made a commitment to undergo an extended period of restructuring myself and attempted to piece together a way forward that could more fully encompass whatever it was at the core of my being. This period of crisis was hard. My background had taken me into some weird, wonderful, frightening and ordinary places, both metaphorically and actually, but this was different - it seemed almost terminal, and everything was clouded by fear, anxiety, depression and regret. This dark road led me, rather unexpectedly, to my spiritual awakening, to an understanding of the crucial importance of being here now, and to a deep acceptance both of the path that had led me to that point of potential. I had taken the first steps along the way to discovering and embracing who and what I really was. Although it had been the most challenging time in my life, it was simultaneously incredibly instructive and absolutely the turning point for me to start over, learn how to take good care of myself, and create a healthy, authentic, and satisfying way of living. I had to allow myself to completely break down, to release all that had been bottled up for so long, and to face my fears and feelings. I understood that, in order to heal, I would have to accept each feeling as a part of me, to live my emotions rather than try to avoid them, and to begin living through the heart. In short, it was tough, and I'm quite sure that this experience resonates with many.

The therapy I underwent during this times also brought to the fore an embryonic idea that I'd had in my mid-20s called ‘The People's Museum’. This idea involved setting up community spaces where the local public were invited to contribute both an object and an associated story, in whatever format the contributor saw fit, which would then be anonymously exhibited, with the space becoming a real hub for the local community and a spark to its imagination and expression. There was a lot of confusion in me surrounding this idea for what I wanted to do - it felt unclear and incomplete, so much so that I had never really given it a chance. If anything, it had become a block to me pursuing anything with any real commitment. It had knocked about in my consciousness for so long, but had never gotten close to seeing the light of day.
Despite all this, the process I had undergone had showed me that somewhere within this seed was the vision I'd been looking for, somewhere in this seed was the who and what I really was. So, how to get from A to B when you're not even sure where B is? For me, the next stage involved jumping into the unknown and trusting that the vision would crystallize and solidify into something real and achievable. I knew that I had to re-join existence and create the conditions through which I would find out what I was here to do, and find my own divine spark. I did not at this stage understand anything about ascension or the merging with one's divine self. If I had, I may not even have started on the road..

This initial jump took me to Brighton, in the South East of England, where I began teaching at a rather idiosyncratic establishment called The European School of Animal Osteopathy. This position allowed me several months of the year off so I could develop myself holistically. Perhaps most importantly, my new life situation enabled me, during each summer break, to walk the various Camino de Santiago routes across Northern Spain. And so I entered into a way of life where I grew through walking, where I learned to always remain open to guidance from life, and where I could begin to integrate what was put before me so as to clarify what this vision was... It was almost a constant cycle of letting go and allowing the constituent parts of the vision to come into my life-stream. And the Camino was a wonderful catalyst for that.
The vision did indeed begin to crystallize in ways that I had not anticipated and the various caminos were profoundly transformational. Indeed, at many points I felt overwhelmed by what was taking shape. I had so many remarkable experiences along the way, I was able to focus on engaging my own inner power to change and I was brought into contact with many like-minded and like-hearted people who have informed the base concept of one of my current projects - All You Are (AYA) - as well as what I am choosing to do in this life. What was perhaps most powerful and illuminating was the fact that, as each constituent part of the AYA project came into being, I could see how each of the avenues I had explored during this lifetime was, in fact, key training and preparation for what was to come. What was manifesting was the opportunity to REMIX MY WORLD. I was beginning to awaken to my own unique role as a visionary creator, but I was also guided that, first of all, rather than throwing myself into a project that was all about facilitating the transformation of others, perhaps it was better to begin with myself!

As the vision solidified, I could see how the elements of All You Are perfectly reflected the parts of myself that held the most interest, fulfilment and, indeed, pleasure for me. The journey I had embarked upon became one to 'true' 'authentic' self, and a steadily increasing resonance with a state of unconditional love - for my own being, for the journey thus far, for another, for others, and for the planet which we inhabit. I began to realize, through my own lived experience, that what was happening was the opening up of the possibility for all of something many are increasingly referring to as ascension. The potential for self-realization and for finding our place within the totality has clearly significantly upgraded and become more readily accessible than at any time in human history. More than ever before, people are looking to discover, align with, express and realize the paths they need in their lives. More and more people are waking up to this invitation to enter a higher form of living. Such a beautiful time to be alive...
The journey was always challenging in ways unique to myself, sometimes rather turbulent, and I certainly remember times when I was ready to jack it all in - to choose another road. But I kept going, kept walking, and, despite many mistakes made and perceived wrong turns taken, my life has, indeed, transformed.
My first Camino de Santiago was the most powerful. On the first night, after a hard day’s walking, I had an experience of my consciousness actually leaving my body, only briefly, but it undoubtedly happened. I was lying in bed and focusing on some Italians who were in bunk beds near by, when suddenly my thoughts, my mind, my consciousness simply detached itself from my body and floated over to where my focus had been, had a little look around, and then returned to the body after just a few seconds. Wow. It was clear to me that this adventure I had embarked upon was going to be very different.
And different it was. Much of what happened on that Camino was unbelievable and most certainly unrelatable to those I tried to communicate with about it on my return. I had experiences that one only reads about in ancient and often rather unapproachable texts about the nature of enlightenment. Experiences where the physical world simply dissolved in front of my eyes and I found myself in another dimension - another realm altogether. Experiences where what was happening in my immediate vicinity revolved completely around my thoughts, without any delay whatsoever. And most beautiful of all was an experience of nirvana - received after literally falling through the plug hole of my own consciousness - a physical feeling of absolute completion of all aspects, all components of being human. What happened on that walk in the summer of 2011 changed everything, and it was soon clear that the only way I could communicate it would be through this website, through my poetry, occasionally through my music, and through writing a book. I wished to express such wonder in ways that would sidestep the bewilderment and distrust that met any subsequent attempts to relay what had happened.
This is an inherent problem for those experiencing their own wake-up call. How on earth do you communicate about it!? Indeed, it was on this trip that I began to receive what can only be described as downloads of the poetry and the book I would write. 10 verses, 10 chapters, structured around the series of paintings called the ‘Ten Ox Herding Pictures’, used in the Zen Buddhist tradition to describe the stages of a practitioner's progress toward enlightenment, and his or her return to society embodying wisdom and compassion (this has since been upgraded to 13 - with 11-13 encompassing how to share the bliss in the world without being dragged down to lower consciousness).

I met someone very special on that Camino. We walked together for 4 weeks and fell in love - although it was a strange kind of love that felt more like that of a brother and sister - indeed many people we met were confused about what our relationship was. On our return, me to the UK, and her to northern France, things quickly fell apart, and those months were some of the most difficult I have faced. But the collapse of the relationship saw me access for the first time, a state of absolute unconditional love for another. Love without expectation of anything in return. And on the 2nd of January 2012, as the three keys of unconditional love for the self, unconditional love for the journey so far, and unconditional love for another, slid into place, I had what is commonly termed a kundalini awakening, full blown and awesome in its intensity. Kundalini is extremely difficult to describe but is perhaps best thought of as the feminine, creative, infinite evolutionary force or light that lives inside every single one of us. Usually represented as a snake coiled three and a half times around, kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine. The awakening lasted a whole night and, at the time, I actually had no idea what it was, only that it came with bliss, peace and was also incredibly sensual - a whole new scale of orgasmic really - only very very pure. What I now understand, through my own experience, is that kundalini rising is a journey of reuniting the small, separate sense of self with the divine, like a drop of water re-joining the ocean from where it came. The following morning the energy finally calmed and focused itself on my heart. I was able to function again, and so began the years of clearing and upgrading the chakras and transforming my entire being.
I think I would characterize living with kundalini as untying the knots in my own consciousness by direct lived experience so as to release all that is not truly me and embody my own unique divine essence, my soul's eternal blueprint. And I like to call it kundalini with a small 'k' so as to avoid the misinformation and misinterpretation that often accompanies this energy.

Since 2012, the ascension process has gathered pace, and accelerated in intensity, and with it I have overhauled my understanding of who and what I really am. With the help of others who have been on a similar path, I have stepped out of the various prisons that were keeping me from living the life I had always dreamed of. I’ve continuously moved towards releasing limiting beliefs and negative social conditioning and learned to embrace all aspects of myself. The kundalini has segued into the activation and gradual integration of the light body, information about which can be found throughout this website. Becoming a "Lighthouse Keeper" comes with a great deal of responsibility, as well as the much cherished chance to live a life of juicy service that fits you better than any other.
For a few years I continued in my relatively 'normal' job before receiving and answering guidance to become much more self-sufficient - to truly stand on my own two feet. I began my own businesses, began learning the piano a little and working with synthesizers, and finding out how to make and perform music that I love. I also began fully embracing my writing. Now, I live as a permanent pilgrim, moving between Portugal, Spain, the Canary Islands, the Azores, Sri Lanka, Turkey and various other locations around the world. I am engaged in the work I do to assist others with their own journeys to true self. My ongoing process of integrating the light body and embodying 5D consciousness while in human form is very exacting, and I love to pass on what I am learning to others. I do my best to share what I know about how to work well with the new operating system that is now anchored in on our planet. Onwards and upwards...
The vision of All You Are is now beginning to take shape within the worldwide Rainbow Gathering movement. The next couple of years will be a key time for that to develop. I love delivering my online ascension guidance sessions, and I love running a program of Self-Discovery Pilgrimages - as transformational experiences for others that match my own deep truths and spark sustained growth for the individuals that accompany me.
For me it has not been a ‘perfect’ road, just perfectly imperfect.
I feel calm and centred, I feel increasingly harmonized and I most definitely live in a constant-ish stream of grace. Despite having numerous problems with overcoming some self-sabotaging, self-defeating behaviours and beliefs, I have reached a place where I feel that my day-to-day life is a true reflection of who I am. I also understand that we are always really at the starting line, so there is always some way to go.
There are still challenges that present themselves. As the light shines brighter, it shows up more and more of the dust. This ascension process is certainly an irreversible and very powerful transformation, which will be absolutely tangible for everyone. Although the steps are similar, each individual will have to walk their own unique path.
At times, the various 'crystals' of darkness that I had been carrying inside of me, were brought to the surface to be fully cleared, and yes, at times it was very difficult to progress. It still can be. Sometimes.
Above all, we must learn to live in balance and in personal integrity, while pursuing our deepest desires.
I can say for sure that I would not exchange the life I am now living for anything.
And I feel blessed that I have found ways to use my passions in service to the needs of others, and to have built the context to deliver my services in ways which are actually surprisingly mutually beneficial.
Remember, the relationship between 'student' and 'teacher' is always two-way...

I am here to assist those invested in working with me, to apply what I have learned to help others on their own unique paths. I am not aligned to any spiritual tradition in particular, although, if pressed, I would probably say that I am influenced by Zen Buddhism, Persian poetry, the Advaita, the paths of self-inquiry and non-duality, the mystery schools, Gnosticism, mysticism, and probably several other -isms too. In other words, "a bit of a magpie".
Part of the wayshowers' journey/mission has been to help ANCHOR IN THE PLANET'S NEW OPERATING SYSTEM so that the gradual transformation to a physically integrated light body for the collective will be received in a relatively open and calm way.
For many, the opportunity to embrace THIS SUPER-CHARGED JUMP IN EVOLUTION and experience life in radical new ways is being presented. One must be prepared to engage with the unknown, and to live through the necessary restructuring and rewriting of ourselves. Resistance will have to be transformed into allowing. One's point of perception will have to be progressively upgraded. The rewards will be delicious.
This is a tremendously exciting moment for us as human beings, and for Gaia too. Today we are in a time that calls for a jump, a shift, a rapid change, not just because we can but because we must. This is not the time to sit on the side-lines, to be a passive traveller through life, to stagnate through passive ideology. Life on the planet is in the hot seat. Gaia has already ascended to support the embodiment of 5th dimensional (pure love) consciousness by those humans who are willing and ready to transform through their process.
New vibrational planes of existence, new realms and new realities are online and ready to be experienced...
​You are light that knows itself as eternal light.
And the light just is.
"streams of consciousness need crossing
mountains of doubt and adversity need climbing
the air of enlightenment needs breathing
the paths of truth and faith need walking"